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  • Writer's pictureMary Grace

Creating a Social Media Content Calendar that Works for You

There isn't one social media content calendar that works for everyone. We all have different strategies, best posting times, and our favorite type of content. This is why it's important to sit down and create a content calendar that works for YOU!

Yes, there are a ton of social media content calendars out there, and I suggest using them for insight. Get ideas from these calendars but curate them to align with your business model. A great way to go about this is:

  • Make sure you have your social media strategy in place, including posting times and content pillars.

  • Search Pinterest for content calendar tips, ideas, layouts, etc.

  • Take your favorite pieces of advice and content ideas from these Pins and implement them into your strategy.

  • If you see post ideas but you like creating videos, then go ahead and create videos with the hooks you like best!

Remember to always speak to your ideal client and their needs. I also highly suggest adding to your content calendar a day of the week when you promote yourself and talk about your offers!

Download my FREE Weekly Content Planner to help you get off on the right foot!

To learn more about my social media management services and see how I structure packages and one-off offers, visit the Services page.


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